Ways To Make Your Home Appear More Sophisticated
Author : Usnewszone Last Updated, Aug 29, 2023, 1:35 PM
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The last thing you want is a drab home, one that’s functional but has no flair. So, how do you make a house a home? It’s important to live in a space that’s comfortable and elegant. There are several ways you can make your home appear more sophisticated and less drab overall, and we have quite a few ways you can do that below. Read on to find out more.

Paint Matters

Most homes come with white walls that serve as tabula rasa in your home. However, darker and bold colors can take your home to the next level, especially if you incorporate artwork and trim that complements your paint. Darker paints and bold colors such as yellow, red, and dark blue add drama to the room. You should also keep color psychology in mind when you paint your room. For example, do you want your room to spark feelings of ambition and fiery energy? If so, you should implement colors such as red and yellow, which can evoke these feelings. Changing the paint is an excellent way to make your home appear more sophisticated in the long run.

Remember Your Bookcase

Even if you don’t read often, you should still invest in a few books. Beyond reading being fundamental to acquiring knowledge, you can also utilize the bookshelves in various ways to increase the sophistication of your home. For instance, floating shelves are an amazing stylistic choice, and they’re easy to build if you want to start a small DIY project. You can also go the traditional route and work on a bookcase made of beautiful wood, such as red cedar or mahogany. You can also choose a material that complements your home, whether that’s a stainless-steel grey or dark blue bookshelf against an eggshell white or red wall. Also, if you decide upon a bookcase, keep in mind that you don’t have to pack it with books. Place some statues or accessories there as well—the contrast will break up the monotony of your books.

Pillows Are Key

Why not deck out your couch or chair with pillows? You can implement these pieces of décor anywhere and in any way. We recommend using throw pillows and mixing them in various shapes and sizes. We also recommend placing them in your home in sets of three to create aesthetic balance. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a beautiful and sophisticated home.

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